The Student Financial Assistance (SFA) online application is currently unavailable.

To apply, please complete the SFA Application available on the website You can submit your completed application by:

  • Email:
  • Fax: 1-800-661-0893 (toll-free) or 1-867-873-0336
  • Mail:
    NWT Student Financial Assistance Program
    Department of Education, Culture and Employment
    Government of Northwest Territories
    Box 1320 Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9

You can also drop an application off in person at the SFA Program office located at 1st Floor Lahm Ridge Tower, 4501 - 50th Avenue, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

If you have any questions, you can contact the SFA office by calling toll-free 1-800-661-0793.


MyECE provides convenient and secure access to view and update your Student Financial Assistance (SFA) and Apprenticeship, Trade and Occupation Certification (ATOC) information online.

Le portail MyECE est uniquement disponible en anglais; pour toute question, ou si vous avez besoin d’aide en français, veuillez communiquer avec Services TNO par téléphone, au 867-767-9348 ou au 1-866-561-1664 (sans frais), ou par courriel, à l’adresse

How do I get access?

No problem, select the program area you are registering for and request a web access code.

Request access to Student Financial Assistance...


SFA staff will send you a web access code by email once you complete the SFA web access request from.

You will need a Web Access Code to apply for SFA online with MyECE. Requesting a Web Access Code does not mean that you have applied for SFA.

Request access to Apprenticeship, Trade and Occupation Certification...


If you are an ATOC client and are interested in registering to use MyECE ATOC please email us at

We will email you an information package with detailed instructions on how to access your Apprenticeship and Occupation Certification program information.

Once you have received a web access code proceed to Sign In.

I am a returning user or I already have a web access code...

Select a secure sign-in method on the next page and follow the steps to securely access MyECE.

The first time you access MyECE a web access code is required.

Sign in

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This site works best from your computer with the most recent versions of Internet Explorer, Chrome, FireFox and Safari. Find links for the most recent version of each browser here.
MyECE is not smartphone compatible.